Privacy Policy

Imagio respects your privacy and is committed to protecting your personal information. This privacy policy outlines how Imagio handles your data when you use our app.

No Collection of Personal Information

Imagio does not collect any personal information from users. You do not need to create an account or provide any personal details to use the app. As a result, this privacy policy does not cover the collection, use, or sharing of personal information.

Crash Logs

In the event of a crash, Imagio may collect crash logs to help us diagnose and fix the issue. These crash logs do not contain any personal information and are used solely for the purpose of improving the app’s performance and stability.

Data Sync with iCloud

Imagio may offer the option to sync your data using iCloud, a service provided by Apple. If you choose to use iCloud to sync your data, Apple’s privacy policy will govern the storage and syncing of your data. For more information, please review Apple’s privacy policy at Apple Privacy.

Reverse Image Search

When you use the reverse image search feature in Imagio, your images are sent to third-party search engines for processing. While Imagio does not collect or store your data, these third-party engines may collect and use your data according to their own privacy policies. Please review the privacy policies of the respective third-party search engines for more information on how they handle your data.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about Imagio or this privacy policy, please contact us at [email protected].

Thank you for using Imagio.